I hope this finds you all in good spirits and even better health.
YNPN Portland has been on a journey of internal transformation lately. With a litany of new board members joining us through June and September last year, our reinvented membership survey, a series of work sessions for strategic planning, and the subsequent fallout of inspiration and promise, we are happy to present this piece of work: YNPN Portland 2020 Member Survey Debrief.
It was great fun to work on this inside peek into what you all shared with us and what we are hoping to accomplish because of it.
Surveys can often be tedious, long-winded and repetitive, all features we tried to work out of this version – and it paid off!
Thank you to the 80 of you who took the time to share with us how we can improve and serve you better.
In the debrief, you’ll find a higher level of goal setting than reflective of the many, many hours of work and planning our committees and board put into this. However, the purpose is less about creating a play-by-play, but instead to share a united front for the future between you, our members, and us, as YNPN Portland.
If you like data, take a look at our YNPN Portland Survey Highlight document. If data is not your interest, take comfort knowing this debrief was informed by it but is my no means dense.
Thank you for all you’re doing. Be well.
Kaleema A.F. Murphy, Board Chair