On Thursday, January 28th, 2021, we hosted our first virtual event of the year!
Last month, five nonprofits – including YNPN Portland – presented their board, committee, or other skill-building volunteer opportunities at an online YNPN event. Even if you missed the event, it’s not too late to join one of these nonprofits! All five organizations are still recruiting and have extended any deadlines accordingly.
Here is what you need to know to learn more or apply:
YNPN Portland is recruiting for its board and committees (programming and marketing). Click here for a description of these opportunities - be sure to scroll down and look for the hyperlinks for specific positions. To apply to join the board or a committee, fill out the interest form on the right-hand side of the page, and then email your resume to info@ynpnportland.org. Questions can be directed there as well!
Impact NW is recruiting for its ambassador board. Click here to learn more about the type of work the board does and what is expected of members. Applications – available here – are due March 5. Questions can be directed to ab@impactnw.org.
Free Arts NW is recruiting board members for its working board. To apply, go to http://freeartsnw.org/board-recruitment/. There is no deadline to apply. Questions about Free Arts NW or joining the board can be directed to Robin at robin@freeartsnw.org or to Hannah at hannah@freeartsnw.org.
Organization Development Network Oregon is recruiting pro bono consultants to work with nonprofits on organization development projects through its Community Consulting Project (CCP). While the deadline for the spring round has passed, CCP is accepting applications on a rolling basis for the fall consulting round. Feel free to contact Alisa with questions at alisalblum@gmail.com or 503-481-7586.
Passion Impact is recruiting for its Finance Committee, Engagement Committee, and Development Committee, allowing you to build a relationship toward potentially becoming a future board member. Start a conversation with Passion Impact by emailing connect@passionimpact.org.
As a bonus, we have also added a board member opportunity at Echo Theater Company!
Echo Theater Company is recruiting for its board of directors. Click here to learn more about the type of work the board does and what is expected of board members. The recruitment process is organic and if people are interested in serving, they should email Executive Director Bianca McCarthy by March 31 to set up an informational interview. The next stage is attending the April board meeting as a guest. bianca@echotheaterpdx.org.
Event Recording: